Provide FONT/BNB liquidity and earn up to 72% APY

Font Community
2 min readAug 26, 2021


Hello $FONT community,
We are happy to announce that $FONT is launched on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) with PancakeSwap. Now, $FONT can be traded through PancakeSwap just as it currently is through Uniswap.

Link :

How to earn 36% to 72% APY ?

Link :

Now, you can earn 36% to 72% APY by providing FONT/BNB pair liquidity and stake BSC Cake-LP Tokens.

Step 1 : Move $FONT to Binance Smart Chain

Move $FONT to Binance Smart ChainUse Anyswap token bridge to move $FONT from Ethereum mainnet to BSC without gas. Minimum 6 $FONTs. Make sure your metamask connected to BSC mainnet. Click here to move your $FONT to BSC ( )

Step 2: Provide Liquidity to $FONT/BNB Pair in PanCakeSwap

Provide Liquidity to $FONT/BNB Pair in PanCakeSwap. Provide Liquidity to $FONT/BNB pair in Panecake swap to earn risk free rewards. Click here to Provide Liquidity in Pancake swap ( )

Step 3: Stake your Cake-LP Tokens and earn 30+% APY

Stake your LP tokens below and earn minimum of 30% APY and even 120%

Visit the link :

Farming Plans

We divided the farming plans into 3 levels — Plan A, B, C

Details of the plans shown below.

* CIL: Covering Impermanent loss: We cover the Impermanent loss against your Font Supply. It’s extra yield apart from APY.


  • Earn Minimum 36% APY on your $FONT Supply.
  • Reward counts every day.
  • 1% Tax on your LP Supply if you unstake before 90 days and wont get any reward.

We are having many exiciting things to annouce. Stay tuned!! ⭐



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